The Big Bang Theory is Wrong.

Dhruv Subramanian
3 min readMay 16, 2022

According to the Boltzmann constant of entropy,(S=k log W),there has been infinite entropy since the Big Bang. This has led to the infinite expansion of the universe ever since. This theory can revolutionize the whole theory of the current universe, and it can give us humans an insight on what happened before the Big Bang and how the universe will come to an end.

Firstly, what happened before the Big Bang? This is a tricky question many scientists have tried to answer. I believe that this can be explained simply: coming from an infinitesimal particle, the universe began. There was an empty universe with a vast expanse of dark matter. Through the principle of dark energy, I can explain how “true” matter, what is known as baryonic matter, came to life. What I hypothesize is that the dark energy in the universe at the time was compressing all the baryonic matter in existence. They were compressed so much that they couldn’t group together to form protons, neutrons and other quantum particles. Once they got to a point where the pressure inside the minuscule speck of matter was almost infinity,they exploded in an obscenely hot mess, the Big Bang. There were particles floating all around space, which then cooled down to around 19 billion degrees Fahrenheit. The particles were able to finally bond to each other and create elementary particles.

The vast expanse of space, what is known as dark matter, are basically voids in space created before the Big Bang. Contrary to popular belief, I argue towards the universe being there even before the Big Bang, that it was always there, just invisible, possibly as tiny as Planck’s constant. There can be other baby universes that our telescopes haven’t detected because they haven’t reached that “Big Bang of entropy” stage of their life cycle. Also, this connects to the theory that “the ball” of baryonic matter, that created our universe, is still growing rapidly. Dark energy, the force that inflates the universe is growing larger, and the expansion of baryonic matter is continuing because of the infinite entropy formula. Therefore, all parts of the universe are growing. The cosmic microwave background proves my theory, since it details all dark matter and dark energy being an outer “cloud” around the universe, meaning that it was there before the universe started expanding, hence before the Big Bang. Also, because entropy is infinite, the universe will grow to infinity as well. Once it reaches that point, it will reach the hypothetical “Age of Degeneracy”, where all matter combines with their antiparticles and annihilates each other, therefore causing the universe to end not with an explosion, but with a collapse, the so-called Big Crunch.

In summary, the Big Bang Theory may still be a valid theory, but I believe it may not be the true starting point of the universe. Dark matter and the theories of dark energy have conflicting evidence to the conventional belief.



Dhruv Subramanian

I am 14 years old, going to the Quarry Lane School. I am currently studying neuroscience, and received 5th place in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.